Providing a balance of clinical and pharmacy practice knowledge, along with the best exam preparation, the Guild Intern Training Program (Guild ITP) aims to ensure our interns are the most employable newly‑registered pharmacists in Australia.
Enrolments are accepted all year round!
The Guild ITP offers the best intern training in Australia. Here are a few reasons why:
Challenging Clinical Content – Our course is designed to test your knowledge, understanding and application of clinical skills, whilst maintaining a strong focus on patient-centred care
Work Ready Outcomes – Gain practical skills designed to prepare you for real world scenarios throughout your pharmacy career
Extensive Exam Support – Receive comprehensive resources to support you with your exams including written and oral exam training modules, practice materials to use with your preceptor and personalised guidance from tutors
Exclusive Access to Education and Networking – Grow your pharmacy network and boost your professional development with FREE registration to APP Conference* on the Gold Coast (valued at $940) and Pharmacy Connect^ in Sydney (valued at $295)
Market Leader in Value – Only $1,855 with flexible payment plan options and no hidden or extra fees
Highly Supportive Tutors – Access to continuous mentorship and advice from our experienced team of tutors, providing support to you and your preceptor